Румыния с 01.02.2014 приравняла Шенгенские визы национальным
Согласно Постановлению Правительства Румынии № 109/2013, с 1-го февраля 2014. обладателям Шенгенских виз (с двумя или многократными въездами), долгосрочных виз, а также видов на жительство, выданных Шенгенскими государствами, не нужна больше виза короткого пребывания, чтобы въехать на территорию Румынии, на период не превышающий 90 дней в течении любого периода в 6 месяцев (180 дней).
Для того, чтобы обладатели вышеупомянутых документов имели право на въезд на территорию Румынии без румынской визы, количество въездов, а также право на пребывание установленные Шенгенскими визами не должны быть исчерпаны.
Кроме того, право на пребывание на территории Румынии не должно превышать предоставленное право на пребывание Шенгенскими визами и видами на жительство.
Emergency Government Ordinance no. 109 of December 11th 2013
for the completion of Emergency Government Ordinance no. 194/2002 regarding the regime of aliens in Romania
Published in: Official Gazette of Romania no. 796 of December 17th 2013
Whereas the current context demands the stringent adoption of all adequate measures meant to
provide the premises for the economic development of Romania,
Considering the potential of tourism, investments, business, university and scientific
environments of Romania, which can be optimally employed economically by attracting tourists,
investors, business persons, researchers and foreign students,
Taking into account the numerous requests for the facilitation of the visa regime, made
especially by business persons on a bilateral level,
Whereas delaying the granting of such facilities would result in significant negative financial and
public image effects for Romania,
Considering the major and immediate advantages that instituting equal treatment by our country
for bearers of visas and other residence permits issued by Schengen Member States would have,
Anticipating the long-term beneficial effects that the simplification of the status of alien travels
in Romania would have, in multiple fields,
By virtue of the fact that these represent extraordinary situations, whose regulation cannot be
On the grounds of art. 115 para. (4) from the Constitution of Romania, republished,
The Government of Romania hereby adopts the present Emergency Ordinance.
Art. I – A new article no. 1282 is introduced after article 1281
of Emergency Government
Ordinance no. 194/2002 regarding the regime of aliens in Romania, as republished in the Official
Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 421 of June 5th 2008, with its later amendments and completions,
with the following content:
"Art. 128² - Facilities for the entry on the territory of Romania of third state nationals
holders of documents issued by Schengen Member States (1) Third state nationals, holders of uniform visas valid for at least two or multiple entries, of
long-stay visas, or of residence permits, other than those provided for in art. 128 para. (1), issued
by Schengen Member States, can enter the territory of Romania for the purpose of an
uninterrupted stay or of multiple stays the duration of which cannot exceed 90 days throughout
any 180 day period prior to each day of stay in Romania, without requiring a short-stay visa,
should the documents presented be valid, and the authorized number of entries and the duration
of stay not be exhausted.
(2) The duration of stay on the territory of Romania cannot exceed the right of stay granted
through the uniform visas, through the long-stay visas or the residence permits specified under
para. (1).
Art. II – This Emergency Government Ordinance shall enter into force on February 1st 2014.
Напомню, что ранее по шенгенским или болгарским действующим визам можно было только осуществить транзит через территорию Румынии в течение 5 дней.